Biodiversity: Types, Importance and Conservation
Biodiversity: Types, Importance and Conservation
Biodiversity: Types, Importance and Conservation
In simple terms, biodiversity is the number and variety of living organisms present in a specific geographical region. It includes various plants, animals and microorganisms, the genes they have and the ecosystems formed by them. It relates to the diversity among living organisms on the earth, including the diversity within and between the species and that within and between the ecosystems they form.
Biodiversity has contributed a lot to the development of human culture and, in turn, human communities have played an important role in shaping the biodiversity at the genetic, species and ecological levels. Biodiversity is important in the following ways:
- Ecological role: Species of many kinds perform some of the other functions in an ecosystem. Every organism, besides fulfilling its own needs, also contributes something useful to different other organisms in the environment. Species capture, store and utilise energy, produce and decompose organic materials, are part of cycles of water and nutrients throughout the ecosystem, fix gases in the atmosphere and also help regulate the climate. Thus, they help in soil formation, reducing pollution, protection of land, water and air resources. These functions of biodiversity are important for ecosystem functions and stability.
- Ecosystem services: Biodiversity underpins the basis of all the ecosystem services on the planet.
- Provisioning Services: Various plants, animals and microorganisms which form the biodiversity, provide us with foods such as cereals, fishes etc. , fibre for our clothes such as cotton, wool etc., fuelwood for survival as well as pharmaceutical products such as neem, tulsi etc.
- Regulating services: Biodiversity regulates the local as well as global climate, manages the global levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases, maintain freshwater quality by vegetation slowing runoff, absorbs carbon by acting as carbon sinks etc. Thus biodiversity regulates the life and life processes on the planet.
- Supporting services: Biodiversity helps in pollination, nutrient cycling as well as recycling, greenhouse gas reduction by sequestration.
- Social
and cultural services: Biodiversity provides us with
aesthetic pleasure. It provides is recreational avenues and rich
biological diversity encourages tourism in the region. Many communities
and cultures have co-evolved with the surroundings and the resources
provided by a biologically diverse environment. Hence, it performs an
important social role as well. Important services which are provided by
biodiversity are:
- Recreation and
- Tourism especially
- Art, Design and
- Spiritual experiences and a sense of place
- Food web
maintenance: Biodiversity helps in maintaining food
webs as higher the diversity of an ecosystem, more complex is going to be
the food webs because there are so many options to eat. Therefore, higher
chances of survival of every species are there. This results in more
stable food chains and food webs.
- Scientific
role: Biodiversity help in scientific research,
education and monitoring. For example, research about new genetic
materials with the help of gene pools. Biodiversity, thus, helps in
understanding functioning of life and the role that each species plays in
sustaining ecosystems of which we humans are also a part.
Based on
the three elements of biodiversity, that is, genes, species and ecosystems,
biodiversity is considered to be of three types:
- Genetic
diversity: It can be understood as the diversity of genes
within a particular species. This diversity ensures that some species can
survive disruptions. Thus, genetic diversity gives us beautiful
butterflies, roses, corals and fruits in myriad hues, sizes and shapes.
- Species
diversity: It refers to the variety of species
within a particular geographical region. Species which are different from
one another do not interbreed naturally However, closely associated
species can have a lot of similarity in their hereditary characteristics.
For example, humans and chimpanzees have about 98.4 per cent genes which
are same. Species diversity is measured by species richness, which
means the number of different species per unit area in a region, and
species evenness of species equitably, which refers to the relative
abundance of individuals of different species in an area.
- Ecosystem
or Community diversity: It refers to the
diversity of different biological communities or ecosystems like forests,
deserts, lakes, corals etc. In a region or on the earth. As the ecosystem
changes, species best adapted to that particular ecosystem becomes
predominant. Thus, biodiversity also depends on the nature of the
of biodiversity was done by Whittaker. Biodiversity can be
measured by two major components: Species Richness and Species Evenness
- Species
Richness: It refers to the measure of a number of
species found in per unit area of a region or community. It has three
- Alpha
diversity: It refers to the diversity of species found
in a particular area or ecosystem, and is usually expressed by the number
of species in that ecosystem.
- Beta
diversity: It refers to the comparison of the
diversity of species between two or more ecosystems, usually measured as
the change in the number of species between the ecosystems.
- Gamma
diversity: It is the measure of the overall diversity
for the different ecosystems in a region. It is highly subjective because
of different perceptions about the boundaries of the region.
- Species
Evenness: It is the measure of relative abundance of
individuals of different species in a given region. Low evenness in
general, means that a few species dominate the region or ecosystem.
The loss of
species, ecosystems or genes is termed as a loss of biodiversity. The
biological wealth of the planet is declining rapidly. The IUCN Red List
documents the extinction of 784 species ( including 338 vertebrates, 359
invertebrates and 87 plants) in the last 500 years. In the last 20 years alone,
we have witnessed the loss of more than 30 species. As per the Living Planet
- The present rate of
extinction of species is up to 100 to 1000 species extinction per 10,000
species in a duration of 100 years. This is almost 1000 times more than
the natural rate of extinction.
- The living planet
index, which measures the biodiversity abundance levels, is showing a
persistent downward trend. On average, monitored species population has
declined by 58% since the year 1970.
- In tropical forests,
there has been a 40% decline of species since the year 1970.
- Whereas in temperate
grasslands, species population has declined by 18% and in freshwater
habitat, species population has declined by 81% since the year 1970.
Reasons for loss of Biodiversity
- Habitat
loss and fragmentation: This is a primary
cause which drives animals and plants to extinction. The habitat loss and
fragmentation have been through changes of land use, in particular, the
conversion of natural ecosystems to cropland, development of
infrastructure projects like rails and roadways, increasing urbanisation
and mining activities.
- As per the Living
Planet report, there have been about 30% decline in wetlands in the last
40 years. Wetlands have been primarily reclaimed for agriculture and
urbanisation. Also, about 50% of the tropical and subtropical forests and
45% of the temperate grasslands have been converted for human use.
- Besides total loss,
the degradation of many habitats by pollution also threatens the survival
of many species. When large habitats are broken up into smaller fragments
because of different human activities, mammals and birds which require
large territories and certain animals with migratory habits are adversely
affected, causing a decline in their population.
- Over-exploitation
of species: Unsustainable use of ecosystems and
over-exploitation of biodiversity are a major reason behind biodiversity
loss. Over-hunting or poaching of species, overfishing and over-harvesting
of plant products can quickly lead to a decline in biodiversity. Changing
consumption patterns of humans is often cited as the key reason for this
unsustainable exploitation of natural resources. Many species which got
extinct in the past 5 centuries, like Steller's sea cow, passenger pigeon,
were subject to over-exploitation by humans.
- Introduction
of alien species: Plants, animals and microorganisms
transported deliberately or unintentionally from an outside geographical
region can cause great damage to native species by competing with them for
food and shelter, spreading diseases unknown to them, causing genetic
changes through the process of interbreeding with native species, and
disrupting various aspects of their food chains and the physical
environment. For example, in India Water hyacinth was introduced by the
British for beautification. But over time, it has become an invasive
species, clogging rivers, lakes and other water bodies, thus not allowing
any aquatic life to grow and survive.
- Environmental
pollution: The accumulation of Pollution such phosphorus
and nitrogen largely from excess fertilizers running off farmland, harmful
chemicals firm urban and suburban runoff, industrial effluents etc. which
are discharged into the natural water bodies. For example, oil spill off
the port of Ennore in Chennai in 2017. Similarly, plastic pollution causes
the death of animals. Also, air pollution from industries and vehicles has
resulted in the death of many bird species in urban areas.
- Global
climate change: Climate change is projected to become a
progressively more significant threat to biodiversity in the coming
decades. Already, changes in the flowering and migration patterns as well
as in the distribution of various species have been observed throughout
the world. These changes have altered food chains and create mismatches
within ecosystems where different species have evolved synchronised
- Co-extinctions: When a
particular species becomes extinct, the plants and animals associated with
it in an obligatory way also come under the danger of becoming extinct.
For example, When a host fish species becomes extinct, its unique
assemblage of parasites also meets the same fate.
- Natural
causes: Like floods, earthquakes and other natural
disasters also cause loss of biodiversity.
Biodiversity is crucial for human existence. All forms of life are closely interlinked in the environment. If species of plants and animals become endangered, they can cause degradation of other components in the environment, which is bound to threaten human being's own existence in some way or the other. So, conservation of biodiversity is of utmost importance. Conservation is the protection, preservation, management, or restoration of wildlife and natural resources. It ensures maintenance of natural landscapes and their ecosystems and the species, populations, genes, and the complex interactions among themselves and between them and the environment.
Conservation can broadly be divided into two types:
- In-situ
Conservation: It is the approach of protecting an
endangered plant or animal species in its natural habitat, either by
protecting it cleaning up the habitat itself or by defending the species
from predators. It forms the central element of any national strategy to
conserve biodiversity. It involves the creation of protected area networks
such as National Park, Wildlife Sanctuary, Biosphere Reserve, Reserved
forests, Nature Reserve, wetland protection zones etc. The
principal aims of in-situ conservation include:
- Promotion of
protection, restoration and sustainable management of the protected area.
- Development of
strategies for conservation of biodiversity within the area.
- Creation of natural
corridors linking areas of biological interest to prevent further habitat
- Introduction of
legislation to protect the species.
- Information
dissemination, education and awareness generation.
- Promoting
sustainable tourism in sensitive areas.
- Ex-situ
Conservation: Ex-situ conservation is the relocation
of endangered or rare species from their natural habitat to protected
areas equipped for their protection and preservation. It is an alternative
essential strategy when in-situ conservation is inadequate. This includes
genetic resource conservation and makes use of a diverse body of
techniques and facilities. Some of these include:
- Zoological parks,
Botanical gardens and Wildlife Safari parks.
- Gene banks such as
seed banks, sperm banks etc.
- Captive breeding of
animals and artificial propagation of plants, and attempt to reintroduce
them into the wild; and
- Collection of
living organisms for research and development purpose.
- In-situ
Conservation: It is the approach of protecting an
endangered plant or animal species in its natural habitat, either by
protecting it cleaning up the habitat itself or by defending the species
from predators. It forms the central element of any national strategy to
conserve biodiversity. It involves the creation of protected area networks
such as National Park, Wildlife Sanctuary, Biosphere Reserve, Reserved
forests, Nature Reserve, wetland protection zones etc. The
principal aims of in-situ conservation include:
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